Our People

“You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things”- Mother Teresa.

Our Staff

Nurses & Medical

Colleen Ranford

Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist

Kathryn Jackson

Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist

Dr. Graeme Kidd

General Practitioner, Medical Counsellor

Bridget Stoneman

Registered Nurse

Holistic Therapists

Linda Browne

Assistant Clinicial Services Manager, Oncology Massage Therapist Reiki Master Practitioner, Skin & Nail Therapist

Kelly Woods

Reflexologist, RN, Oncology Massage & Reiki Master Teacher

Cath Noventa

Physiotherapist & Yoga Teacher

Fi Darracott-Cankovic

Reiki Master Practitioner, Medical Acupuncture, General Practitioner Ketamine Assisted Therapist

Mary Wakefield

Reiki Master Practitioner, Clinical Aromatherapist, Oncology Massage Therapist

Julia Mead

Reiki Master Practitioner


Dr Graeme Kidd

General Practitioner, Medical Counsellor

Administration and Management

Kate Wood

Administrator / Receptionist


Katrina Martin

Practice Manager


Eirlys Jones

Clinical Services Manager


Letitia Howarth

Warehouse Manager


Bridget Burnett

Volunteer Advocate


Karen White

Administration Manager


Jacky Gorham

Retail Operations Manager


Adrienne Rekké

People & Culture Lead


Simon Jones

Executive Trustee


Dove Hospice Board of Trustees

Eastern Bays Hospice Trust

Jonathan Milne


Grant Harris


Jill joined the Dove Board of Trustees at the end of 2023 and has been a Trustee with the St Andrew's Village Trust Board since 2018.

A retired doctor, Jill worked at the Auckland City Hospital as a Geriatrician for over 25 years, with the final 5 years in the community, visiting people at home and in residential care.

Since retiring, Jill has served as the Executive officer for the HOPE Foundation, helping to raise funds to support University students doing postgraduate work in ageing research. She also has been involved in some research studies with the University of Auckland.

“I have been involved with many people, both professionally and in my own personal life, who have faced life-threatening illnesses. It is a privilege for me to be involved with the wonderful team at Dove House, who offer care and support to help navigate the difficult challenges this can bring, hopefully making the journey easier.”

Jill Waters


Peter joined Dove in 2018, enthusiastic to make a positive contribution and in 2020 accepted the governance role of Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Coming from a background in Chartered Accountancy and Management Consultancy, Peter brings with him a wealth of experience having lead management consulting teams in New Zealand, Hong Kong, Asia, and Europe. His clients included a range of multi nationals, local New Zealand Companies and public sector organisations going through reorganisation. He had a great interest in healthcare reform and was involved as a lead consultant in the New Zealand Health Sector reforms of the 80’s and 90’s working with Hospitals and Regional Funding Agencies.

Peter is now retired, however while he was operating as a Management Consultant, he covered a wide range of industries. More recently the majority of his time and passion is directed towards not-for-profit and charitable organisations.

“It is extremely important to be involved with and give back to your community where you can, and I feel grateful to have the opportunity to do this by supporting this amazing organisation who support those in our community (at no cost to them) who are living with a life-threatening illness, their whanau, and carers”, says Peter.

Peter Ross

Board Chair

Graeme has been a long standing and valued member of the Dove Hospice & Wellness team since 2008 in the role of a General Practitioner and Medical Councellor. Graeme also brings with him experience having worked as a Medical Officer for 15 years, between 1998 – 2013, for the South Auckland based Totara Hospice and has had his own practise in Howick House Medical Centre, East Auckland for 45 years.

With over 45 years of experience in healthcare, Graeme brings experience and passion for quality service delivered with compassion and hope. This professional and excellence service quality was officially recognised in 2021 when Graeme received a special award for Compassion at the National GP Conference.

Graeme informs, “As a Doctor I encourage patients to think about how much their health depends on them and not on the Doctor. My role is often education rather than prescription.”

Dr Graeme Kidd


Vanesse is an experienced health clinician. Currently working as a Registered Psychologist with Oranga Tamariki: Clinical Services, and an honorary member of the ‘Winston Churchill Memorial Trust NZ’, Vanesse thrives on challenge and enjoys using and develop her leadership and professional skills to facilitate and influence positive change.

Vanesse joined the Dove Board of Trustees in 2020 stating, “I understand the Dove Mode of Care from both a professional and consumer point of view and am thoroughly enjoying supporting and further developing these quality services our organisation provides at no cost to our local community.”

Vanesse Geel


Roger is a semi-retired Geriatrician having worked at the Auckland City Hospital for over 30 years and is currently the national clinical lead for the ANZ Fragility Fracture Registry. Over the years Roger also contributed to spend his time as a locum to support colleagues at smaller centres around Auckland.

Roger joined the Dove Hospice & Wellness Board in 2017 and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge of clinical services, management, and strategy to share with the organisation.

“In addition to my clinical experience, I have been involved in health service management in many roles and bring all of this to support the development of palliative care services at Dove Hospice and Wellness”, states Roger.

Roger Harris


Warwick joined Dove Hospice & Wellness in late 2020, following his active involvement in several Charitable Trusts and his local Rotary Club. Since his appointment began with Dove, Warwick has contributed to the Trust through advice on the Distribution Centre, planning and implementing of the retail and property requirements and the financial governance.

Warwick’s career has seen him work in a range of industries throughout New Zealand, Australia, and the UK in the fields of microeconomics, manufacturing, and management.

“I am very proud of the work that the Hospice does in our local community and the fact that the organisation is fully funded by its retail shops”, says Warwick.

Warwick Leyland


Jenny joined Dove in 2020, enthusiastic to make a tangible contribution in a role that aligned with her values. Bringing to Dove her experience and insight from her days working as a Registered Nurse, experience and understanding from working within the retail sector, and personally as a cancer survivor herself, Jenny’s values align strongly with Dove’s values of Compassion, Hope, Integrity, and Gratitude. “Hospice to me means managing the journey of illness in the most comforting way possible”, says Jenny. Jenny enjoys volunteering at the Dove Shop in Glen Innes, where she started working when she retired from practising nursing, and always enjoys valuable time spent with her family overseas and in Auckland.

Jenny Rogers


Simon is an experienced and influential business leader with over 25 years of business, finance, advisory and relationship experience across a variety of market sectors from manufacturing to healthcare, to banking.

Simon joined Dove Hospice & Wellness in 2015, as a Board of Trustees member. In 2020 Simon was asked to lead the Dove organisation in the role of Executive Trustee. During the past two years Simon has helped to guide the organisation through a challenging pandemic and focusing on sustainability across economic, environmental, and social equity.

“I am absolutely passionate about the impact that our wonderful clinicians have delivering their services to the most vulnerable, those are people suffering from life threatening illness in our local community, and that includes their families. The way that unfolds to me is just a pleasure to be part of”, exclaims Simon.

Simon Jones

Executive Trustee

Isabella accepted her position as Founding Patron of Dove Hospice & Wellness in 2017. The idea to create a hospice closer to the Eastern Bays suburbs was first aired back in 1989 by four funding members, including Isabella, as the founders recognised this community support was sorely needed.

Isabella’s career started as a Register Nurse and through her community involvement and support in church groups and community centres, her advocacy and leadership saw her take positions on the National Council of Women, local Rotary Club as well as her passion project which was Dove.

“It is most rewarding to see the services that Dove can provide now through professional staff and volunteers, from small beginnings”, says Isabella.

Isabella lives locally in the Eastern Bays and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, continuing to volunteer her time and stay connected with those working in the Dove shops, distribution centre and Dove House. As Dove marked its 30th Anniversary, during 2022, the organisation recognises and is extremely thankful for Isabella’s foresight, mentoring and ongoing support.

“Believe in yourself, have the ‘can’ in life. Laugh, live, and love.”

Isabella Huihana Tedcastle


Rob joined Dove Hospice & Wellness in 2014, with over 30 years’ experience in Chartered Accounting and Financial management. Keen to contribute to his local community, Rob accepted his position on the Board of Trustees for Dove and contributes from his experience across all aspects of financial management.

Rob is enthusiastic about the future for Dove and the opportunity to grow our clinical offering more throughout Auckland and New Zealand.

“The greatest gift you can give is some of your time, and I feel honoured to be able to contribute my time and experience to an organisation helping those in our community struggling with life-threatening health conditions,” says Rob.

Rob Joliffe

Treasurer (Ex Officio)

Karen joined Dove in April of 2013 seeking the opportunity to be part of a team working to support people in her local community living with life challenging illness.

Karen’s experience in education, community involvement and having suffered loss of close family, helps her to empathise with people and the importance of their well-being. This empathy and community reach are strong and key contributions which Karen brings to her role with Dove.

“The Dove Hospice & Wellness model is constantly evolving”, says Karen, impressed by the expertise and care that Dove offers those in need. Karen is a strong believer in a holistic approach to everyday life.

Karen O’Connell

Board Secretary (Ex Officio)

Eastern Bays Hospice Foundation Trust

Warwick joined Dove Hospice & Wellness in late 2020, following his active involvement in several Charitable Trusts and his local Rotary Club. Since his appointment began with Dove, Warwick has contributed to the Trust through advice on the Distribution Centre, planning and implementing of the retail and property requirements and the financial governance.

Warwick Leyland

Chair and Trust Representative

“It is extremely important to be involved with and give back to your community where you can, and I feel grateful to have the opportunity to do this by supporting this amazing organisation who support those in our community (at no cost to them) who are living with a life-threatening illness, their whanau, and carers”, says Peter.

Peter Ross

Trust Representative

Rob joined Dove Hospice & Wellness in 2014, with over 30 years’ experience in Chartered Accounting and Financial management. Keen to contribute to his local community, Rob accepted his position on the Board of Trustees for Dove and contributes from his experience across all aspects of financial management.

Rob Joliffe

Independent Trustee and Foundation Treasurer

Graham Fabian

Independent Trustee