Donate to Dove

Your donation will help make a difference, and will support Dove Hospice in offering our services at no cost to our service users.

Please select your donation amount below:


*If you wish to donate an amount over $5,000 you’re welcome to make a direct bank transfer to:

Dove Hospice & Wellness

To confirm this with our staff please contact  Thank you for your support

0 +
Boxes of donations received per week
Retail shops & 2 e-commerce shops selling donations to fundraise
0 +
Volunteers supporting all areas of our organisation
Years Dove Hospice & Wellness having been caring for patients, their whanau, and carers.

Other ways to Donate

Volunteer for Dove

Volunteer work has some surprising benefits, both to you and your community.

Donate your belongings

Donate your pre-loved and new items to support Dove in offering our services at no cost to
our service users.

Shop at Dove

Shop at one of our seven retail shops, find your nearest Dove shop.

Make a Bequest

By including a gift to Dove Hospice & Wellness in your Will, you’re giving a gift that keeps giving.

Shop Online at Dove

Shop our consciously curated, boutique selection of high quality pre-loved and new products at Dove Hospice Online Shop. Or if you are a treasure hunter, visit our Trade Me ‘Dove Sales’ Shop.

Fundraise for Dove

Find out ways in which you can help to fundraise for Dove Hospice & Wellness.